segunda-feira, janeiro 23, 2006

Busy busy Ásta

Surprise! I'm super busy....
I just started going to the gym 3 times a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 and Saturdays at 8:30. It really surprised me that it's actually not harder to get up earlier. Then I have karate too on the same days. Now I just really have to stay away from the goodies, I have a sweet tooth unfortunately. On Wednesdays we have to take Talía, the new Beagle puppy to obedience class. I hope she grows up fast, she's been extremely difficult, but I love her. We call Talía Die Animal, or the horse, she's so strong!
And then I started again taking some courses at the UofI.... fun fun fun....


Anonymous Anônimo said...

ó ohh ég vildi að ég væri svona dugleg :s en vonandi að þegar ég er búin með þetta ógeðslega próf þá verði ég dugleg og drífi mig upp af rassinum og í ræktina.
Gangi þér vel!

1:00 PM  

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