quinta-feira, dezembro 09, 2004

¡Más vino tinto!

This is amazing... I haven´t been online for some days now. Usually I can check my email at home about twice a week, but since Angelica´caught´me on her computer the other day she has somehow disconnected the Internet. It´s not a big deal that I can´t use it, it just pisses me off when people can´t be direct. How about telling me that she doesn´t want me using her computer. I´m sorry, but she´s the one who told me I could use her computer at ANY time. Whatever...
Maybe she´s the smart one... I still have enemies from being direct and telling the truth when nobody else dared to. I guess that people lack maturity and understanding as well (me too of course as well). I still prefer being direct and honest, without hurting people (intentionally anywys) of course.
That´s wasn´t the amazing part, the amazing part is that I have been here for more than three hours and I thought it was about time to get back home to study, but then the jefe of the Internet place poured me one more vino tinto and brought me some tapas. Isn´t life sweet!? Do I ever love this place or what. These guys know how to make business. I can use the Internet for free at school. This is just so much better. You can see pictures of these guys under new pictures here on the left. I have some Brennivín that I haven´t opened yet and I was wondering who I´d give it to. Now I know... :)
This has been a good day, and yesterday too actually. I didn´t even need a siesta. For a while I´ve felt like I wasn´t making progress with my Spanish, but today I felt so confident. I started understanding all the Pilates excercises and afterwards I used Presente de subjuntivo (vth.nt á ísl.) when talking to the instructor. It felt great. I didn´t know grammar could make me so happy.....hehe.... Then I had to call my phone company´s service desk and I understood everything. I have made progress after all :) And to celebrate I bought myself a really cool coat (well... I need some kind of an excuse for shopping don´t I).
I have 4 final exams on Tuesday, please pray for me! On Saturday I have a trip to Lagunas something and Saturday night I´m having dinner at Conchi´s house. Gosh, do I love that girl or what, and she´s just as crazy as I am... and really smart too!
Anyways... I have to go home. Promised María Jesús I´d make some pechuga de pollo con ajo. Then I have to finish those Christmas cards. Jeeees... if you are reading this and get one of those cards you really know that you mean a lot to me ´cause it´s taking me forever to make the cards and every card is unique (especially since it has a picture of beautiful me on each and every one). If you don´t get one, it means you´re too close to me... you don´t need it ´cause I´ll be there to hug you (and give you some vino tinto real soon :)
The tinto one (and my story: http://www.julli.is/jol/dagur8.htm)


Anonymous Anônimo said...

Asta - glad to hear you are ok, and un-bombed! Just wanted to let you know that I have been reading your stories from time to time. Best of luck on your tests! I'm sure you'll do mucho bueno - I think that's spanish, or something like that. If not, fyrirgefdu, takk fyrir, chimichanga, burrito, quesedilla . . .

Take care & ttyl - Leif

2:18 AM  
Anonymous Anônimo said...

Hæ Ásta og takk fyrir jólakortið og gjöfina hennar Pálu. Hlakka til að sjá þig a Þorláksmessu.
Kveðja Eva Hrönn

11:30 AM  

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