Nunca más vino tinto - No more vino tinto :(
This is my last day in Spain. For now anyways, I want to come back as soon as possible. I have to wake up at 5 AM to catch the train to Valladolid at 7:10. From there I will fly to Stansted airport, then I have to take a bus to Heathrow. What a drag! I should be home at midnight. Thad verdur móttökunefnd á flugvellinum og saetaferdir hafa verid auglýstar frá BSÍ....ahahhohoh....
I´ve said goodbye to everybody. Conchi I´m going to miss you so much!!! You are the best and I´ve learned so much Spanish talking to you, and we will continue to learn, right? You English y yo Español. ¡Todo es posible, de acuerdo! Frida and Glenn I will also miss. We went out last night, and Paul came to. I heard that the boys went for the tequila after I left, I´m so glad I didn´t ´cause I had my last class today and I had to do the packing. I just got my test results today (had 4 tests on Tuesday) and I passed all of them! Party, party; fiesta, fiesta. I got 90% for the Cultura part (would have received a better mark if I had said that Columbus discovered America. It was of course Leifur Eiríksson hijo de Erico rojo), only got 1 wrong for the Comunicación Oral and when I was answering that question I was thinking that the other option was probably right. It´s the grammar (the verbs more than anything) that I have to work on (been too lazy), but I did pass. Class participation is 60% so I will probably get a better final mark.
Christina (oral com. teacher) said that I had made incredible progress ´cause I hardly new anything when I arrived. She also said that I would be greatly missed, and I think she´s right :) When I first came here I couldn´t even remember the days of the week! Now I can bullshit about pretty much anything :))Christina is so great. So are all the people in my class. They all hugged me. It´s so amazing... I feel like I´ve been able to be myself 100% and here I am accepted for who I am. ¡¡¡Gracias a España!!! To begin with some things really affected my self-confidence, but I´ve been growing stronger ever since and I feel great!
Well.... my time in Spain is up, and now I have to go home. To my Spanish home that is, Obispo Almarcha nº 27. María Jesús and Angelica are making me a tortilla de patata :)) Tomorrow it´s home in Iceland, Grettisgata 27.
Wish me a good journey and luck with my luggage. I have to look for somebody who has now luggage to check in with me. If not, my plan is to win the Loteria de Navidad.
Feliz Navidad everybody!
Ásta Sólita spanjóli